Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Feet Up

It's been a very busy few days for us here on the farm and away from the farm. Sunday and Monday my daughter and I went and visited my parents over in Ohio. I helped my mother plant her garden. We put in 120 tomatoes and 48 pepper plants. They had to cut their garden back because of some septic work they are about to have done. It's weird seeing only half of it planted as she cans a lot also.

Yesterday and today  here on the farm we mowed, weeded the edges of the yard and pasture. Cleaned rabbit cages and made some repairs. We also planted a row of peas, row of Lima beans, 2 pounds of onion sets, 15 hills of squash,  9 hills of cucumber, and sweet potatoes. We are about finished with the planting. I just want to add two more rows of corn and maybe another row or two of Lima beans (this fool picked up the wrong kind of Lima beans so I'm short just a little bit) and a small pumpkin patch.

Our son went and cut some small saplings so we could have some tomato stakes. We desperately needed them. I'm hoping to get the rest of them done this weekend. We got one-third of them done just before it started raining here this evening.
Just after the first small storm passed by.

I got my shower between storms and now my feet are propped up for the evening while I watch the CMT Music Awards.

Hope everyone is having a good evening.

~ Farmgirl

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